A question often arises as to what is the difference between criminal law and criminology or between criminal justice and criminology. "DROIT PENALE: The Indian Law Journal on Crime and Criminology (ILJCC)” ISSN 2456-7280, aims to resolve this dubiousness by providing a wide range of well researched articles, case notes, commentaries etc. covering the major aspects and issues under the ambit of crime and criminology.
The term 'Droit Penale', literally means criminal law.
‘Droit Penale Group: A Unit of Arjun Das Gulati Memorial Society’ is an initiative taken in the legal field to provide the discussions on minute nuances involved in the intricacies of law in a simple and qualified manner. Droit Penale literally translates into ‘criminal law’ in French. However, our initiative is not only limited to criminal law but also on varieties of law. The Droit Penale: Indian Law Journal on Crime & Criminology was established in the year 2016, where in the year 2019 the Droit Penale: ILJCC was considered as the Group where we have started other ventures under the name of Droit Penale Group.